
独特的行业视角,帮助客户应对挑战, 能否转化和创造价值.


美世的行业专家不断评估市场挑战和趋势, delivering fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to address your most pressing people challenges. 我们的综合经验, 行业的见解, comprehensive data and analytical capabilities help organizations customize their strategies to achieve their goals and deliver successful outcomes.









我们的团队合作解决行业面临的紧迫问题, 例如,规划和准备能源转型和环境、社会和治理对劳动力的影响, 通过重新设计奖励理念和激励措施,推动业绩的提高, 为M的买卖方工作&一个交易, 为未来的行业商业模式识别和获取新技能, 并提供解决方案来帮助吸引, 保留, 发展和参与不同的团队. 美世的能源顾问与超过1家公司合作,500个地方, 横跨能源价值链的区域和全球客户- E&P, 油田服务和钻井, 中游, 下游, 化学物质, 矿业, 电力和可再生能源, 能源交易——共同创造有效的人力资本战略和解决方案.




Milan has over ten years of experience working across the energy industry delivering 咨询 work and solutions across a range of Human Capital areas (including Reward, 高管薪酬, 未来的工作 & 灵活的福利). Milan founded and facilitates a number of established 美世 能源 Forums and Networks (美世 Africa 能源 Forum, 美世中东能源论坛, 美世亚太能源论坛, 美世欧洲能源人力资源战略网络和欧洲可再生能源网络). These peer-to-peer networks meet at regular intervals throughout the year connecting HR industry leaders to discuss topical issues and develop pragmatic insights.

Milan is the energy lead for 美世’s New Shape of Work — working with senior leadership teams in organizations across the energy value chain towards better understanding the Human Capital impact of the energy transition & 转型、数字化、人工智能和机器人技术.

Milan is also a member of the World Economic Forum’s Taskforce on Preparing for the 未来的工作 for Oil and Gas.

美世在为我们提供项目方面非常灵活. 为什么我们要去其他地方寻找这些服务……?

人是每个科技公司的引擎. 美世的技术行业专家和顾问与来自世界各地的领导者合作,500家最具创新力的公司, high growth technology organizations to power and empower their workforce to drive results for their customers, 组织及股东. 做值得信赖的顾问, the industry-leading insights that 美世’s 技术 Vertical provides to our client’s business and human resource leaders allows them to shape their unique business and human capital agendas. Doing so helps our clients anticipate and respond to the workforce impacts arising from industry-related seismic shifts and competitor-led disruption.



Ted是美世旧金山办事处的合伙人兼高级客户经理. 他在大型企业的战略业务规划方面拥有超过25年的专业知识, 跨行业的跨国组织. Ted aligns and leads 美世's cross-functional teams to deliver needs-based human resource and process improvement solutions including total 奖励, 退休和保健策略, 投资咨询, 人才管理, 员工沟通和敬业度, 劳动力计划, M&A和HR交付.
“我相信你对行业的洞察力对我们有巨大的价值. You told us some awesome truths about what leading innovative tech companies are doing in the marketplace, 这不仅帮助我们反思了自己擅长什么, 但也取决于我们可以共同改进的地方. 感谢你们帮助我们开启了创意之旅."

金融服务及保险(FS&工业在变化——顾客的信息更灵通了, 无论用户参与渠道如何,都有更高的期望和一致的体验. 美世帮助银行, 保险公司, 投资经理, 共同基金, hedge funds and other financial service companies address their most pressing people-related challenges — from building a future-ready workforce to reshaping their investment and retirement outcomes to modernizing health, 福利和福利计划.



全球金融服务高级合伙人 & 保险业领袖
作为美世的全球金融服务 & 保险(FS&1)行业领袖,Ross负责美世FS的整体运营&我的客户组合,以及为行业提供新的智力资本. 在这个角色中, Ross为客户提供全球, 从战略角度帮助他们解决健康问题, 财富与职业目标.
Our bank was in need of expert advice to revise our group health and welfare plans for compliance and perceived value by our employee base. 梅塞团队花时间了解了我们的首要任务, 雇员及其家属的健康. 年复一年, they masterfully provide a holistic approach to design plans that fit within compliance and financial objectives while keeping the care of our people as our guiding light. 谢谢你,默瑟.

美世’s automotive industry practice provides strategic advice and support to over 275 organizations around the globe. 在我们的汽车工业社区, 我们在世界各地的主要生产基地都有专家. This team monitors the impact of the seismic shifts taking place in the industry such as electrification, 自主性和移动性, 为了更好地理解这些变化对吸引力的影响, 人才的保留和激励. 这些变化极大地影响了所有汽车oem和供应商的人才战略, as well as general manufacturers where the modernization of plants and equipment call for more digital and technologically oriented employees.



2009年加入美世之前, 迈克是Towers Perrin的总经理, 负责世贸大厦全球所有的市场. 他在全球人力资源管理方面拥有超过35年的咨询经验, 重点是全球员工福利设计和专属融资. 
美世 is very proactive and always seeking the most innovative and cost efficient solutions for their clients. 顾客的声音对他们来说非常重要.

市场变化带来的混乱和不确定性, 人口和98858威尼斯70570方式的力量可能在医疗保健行业最为普遍. 当前生产系统的生存能力, 交付, 世界各地的治疗和支付都面临风险, 不管经济和监管模式如何. 马什McLennan helps organizations manage the world’s most important resource — people — by improving healthcare outcomes and long-term financial security. 美世的医疗保健提供商行业实践在人员战略方面表现出色, 劳动力市场分析, 组织结构, 变更管理, and 奖励 咨询 to find the best path forward for healthcare providers going through this time of dramatic transformation. 鉴于医疗保健行业面临的巨大挑战, 关注今天和明天从未像现在这样重要. Our number one priority is to provide the best end-to-end strategic plan to drive optimization of human capital across clinical, 运营和人力资源职能. 欲了解更多信息,请 请访问我们的医疗保健行业页面.




约翰Derse, 位于夏洛特, NC, 是高级合伙人并领导美世的医疗保健提供商行业实践. 他的咨询领域是人力战略,其中包括战略, alignment/变更管理 and 劳动力市场分析 and 奖励 providing clients with "end to end" strategic advice concerning the design, 人力资本和人力资源职能的实施和运作.  

John’s clients include some of the largest health systems and academic medical centers in the South and Midwest. John has also partnered with organizations and been involved in innovative work for a broad range of clients across various industries, 包括金融服务, 消费产品, 零售, 制造及分销, 娱乐. 约翰在美世公司工作了30多年.

美世带来了丰富的专业知识, but more importantly than that we have a very trusting relationship and an ability to have open 沟通s. 当你有了这些,你就可以解决这个规模的项目可能遇到的任何问题.”

不断变化的商业环境和劳动力构成了独特的挑战. 美世的零售行业专家为应对这些挑战提供了丰富的见解和经验, helping more than 600 organizations reimagine the world of work to make brighter futures for millions of employees and their communities. 在变革的世界中前进需要变革的方法. Our strategic partnerships with the 零售 industry support the alignment of business and talent agendas around future value creation.



David devises strategies and advises clients in 零售 on a variety of topics including total 奖励 strategy and organization design for developing a compelling employee experience. 除了员工奖励, 他的经验包括全球组织的业务重组和转型, 效益评估, 组织流程优化, 举几个例子. 在加入美世之前, David served in various corporate roles including Director of 全球 奖励 and Mobility for a multi-national omni-channel 零售 company and was the 奖励 and Mobility Leader for a global food ingredient manufacturer.
我们非常高兴美世成为我们重要的业务合作伙伴之一. 在那些令人惊奇和充满挑战的时刻,你们一直在那里为我们提供资源, 见解和解决方案.”
人力资源/多元化公平主管 & 来自一家专业零售公司